I had originally planned on going to Cadence Fitness last week but a personal issue prevented me from doing so. Thus today was Aerial Yoga at Cadence Fitness in Langford.
This was an interesting and fiercely difficult experience. I'm not sure that I would do it again but that's not because it wasn't a great workout, it was mostly because hanging upside down doesn't really agree with me.
We started out the class with simply putting our hands in the silk and stretching, it quickly progressed to wrapping our wrists and pulling our bodies up from the floor and holding a plank only to move into putting our feet in the silk and planking from there.
Then it came time for an inversion. We put ourselves upside town and did situps from there. OOOH boy they were brutal BRUTAL - no chance at using momentum, muscle strength ONLY!
Finally the part I was waiting for. The relaxation - we put ourselves into the silks like a giant cocoon. It was fun! I would love one of those things in my house for napping because I was a hair away from falling asleep in my cocoon!
I would defiantly recommend Cadence Fitness, the instructor was great and it was a really nice facility with a great list of classes that you really can't find anywhere else in Victoria but I'm not sure that I will do the Aerial Yoga again. My head is still rushing!
Next up...? Not sure, you will just have to wait and see
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
The Waiting Game
After all the portraits were taken we headed up stairs to allow the guests to arrive before the ceremony was to start. There was much sitting and I was so anxious about the ceremony that sitting still was difficult.
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Make Up Touch Ups |
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Grandma entertaining the wee-one |
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Ian's sis (the teacher) packed activity kits for the boys. GENIUS! |
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The elevator was pretty small so it was just me and Reiko... I didn't want to attempt stairs it would have been bad |
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Again with the army keeping Jen clean and dry |
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Time to fluff again |
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Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wheel of Fitness - Round 1

It is almost too bad that the wheel only allows one class per studio because I would very much like to return and try something else there. I noticed some harness looking things hanging from the ceiling that looked intriguing. I think I might be back.
The last 5 minutes were my favourite (they usually are). The relaxation was more like guided mediation than a relaxation, she put a bean bag over our eyes and a pillow under our knees and sprayed what I think was lavender over us She then proceeded to guide us to a very quiet and tranquil place. I was very reluctant to get up at the end.
Defiantly worth another visit I think.
Next up: Cadence Fitness for Aerial Yoga!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Wheel of Fitness
Last year a good friend of mine saw an amazing deal at our local lululemon, the wheel of fitness that gives you 10 classes at local yoga studios for $25.00. That's $2.50 a class!!! Smokin good deal! There were very little restrictions and you had to get through all ten within 3 months. TOTALLY do-able right?
Well last year I got through 7 of the studios and had a lot of fun doing it. Over Christmas I went to Lululemon to spend some Christmas money and I saw that they were doing it again. I passed on purchasing it right then and there because we were a bit short on funds. So today when I went in to pick up the pants I was having hemmed I bought mine. The only problem was last year the wheel went from January to March and I thought this year it would be the same... only not so much. They started it December 9 and it goes until February 28... so instead of three months I only have 2. Oh well I'm still motivated enough to get through them!
My goal is to do one class per week, doing 2 a couple of times because there is only 9 weeks left between now and February 28. I will keep you posted :)
My goal is to do one class per week, doing 2 a couple of times because there is only 9 weeks left between now and February 28. I will keep you posted :)
Monday, January 2, 2012
Good Bye 2011
This past year was pretty darn amazing! Ian and I were very blessed with lots of fun times and incredible experiences.
Normally at New Years I am excited about the coming months and not normally sad about leaving the past year behind but this year was a bit different. On New Years Eve I couldn't help but feel a bit sad about the end of 2011. 2011 was the year that I got married, I graduated, I started a new career... to name a few. I thought it would be good to break down my year and shall with all of you the highlights of what made 2011 so special to me.
The year started out slow with Ian and I spending New Years at home together with a kiss at midnight and then bed soon after. Neither of us being huge into the party scene this was the way we would normally ring in a new year. One thing we did do was cook fantastic food, Ian made spring rolls and potato skins while I made chicken wings and guacamole. We stuffed ourselves silly. Twas DELICIOUS!
The first couple of months were spent planning planning planning with a little work and school thrown in there.
In February Ian had his birthday and we also celebrated our 7th anniversary.
For said anniversary Ian surprised me with tickets to see Sarah Mclachlan which was a really wonderful evening. She was playing at the Save On Foods Memorial Center in Victoria and there were a couple differences from seeing a concert in Vancouver:
In March... or April or something... I can't remember honestly... We sent out our invitations to the wedding. In hind site (and after going to an invite making party) I wish that I had asked for more help from my bridesmaids. Oh well, live and learn!
April brought the exiting end of my last semester of school (no more exams? I think that's a good day!) It also brought my Bridal shower! I was spoiled rotten with gifts coming out my ears and so much fun with my fantastic friends and family :)
Another thing that happened in April was Ian suggested that we go to Las Vegas for a "yay Jen graduated" trip. Initially he thought it would be fun for me to go with some girl friends but after some research he wanted to come too so we decided to make it a pre-wedding vacay.
We stayed at the Luxor hotel which was nice but I feel that I must say to anyone considering a trip to Vegas, stay in the center of the strip! We spent a lot of money on cabs because it turns out that everything in Vegas is larger than life and walking from one hotel is more of a hike than a walk. We saw Cirque de Soleil's O which was not just a show... it was an experience. The next time I go to Vegas I fully plan on seeing another Cirque show. They are AMAZING! We spent some time at the old strip and ate a LOT of really amazing food. Probably more than healthy but shhh don't tell. One of the biggest highlights for me was the M&M's store. That place was so much fun, I bought my 2nd favourite souvenir from that place, a mug with the green M&M on it. I drink my morning tea from it every day. It's so cute!
My favourite souvenir was Ian's idea. We were walking through one of the more expensive hotels and passed Jimmy Choo. I was salivating and Ian suggested I go in. As a smart shopper (and financial adviser) I have a strict rule when shopping:
Wanting to stick to this rule I said no. Ian kept pushing and pushing until I was got frustrated and then he asked me if maybe I would like a pair of shoes for a wedding gift. After the shock wore off I was like a kid in a candy store, trying on pair after pair of shoes dragging poor Ian all over Las Vegas so as not to miss any stores. He was so patient :)
The shoes I decided on were mildly cliche but they looked the best so I decided to just deal with the cliche. They are seen to the right and man they are probably the most comfortable high heels I have ever owned. Pretty right?
Oh and if you are not understanding the cliche, they are the shoes that Carrie Bradshaw registered for in the Sex and the City episode, "A woman's right to shoes"
After returning from Vegas, Ian and I hit the ground running with wedding plans and one of the things that needed to be ticked off the list was our engagement shoot. I was really nervous about meeting our photographer because Ian had picked her and the control freak in me wasn't dealing very well. Most of my wedding nightmares up until this point had been the photographer doesn't show up. Turns out that Ian did a great job and Elaine turned out the be amazing.
The next thing to be checked off the list was the make-up and hair trial. It was such a fun process, the girls came over and we went over a couple of looks and they went to work. I was shocked at how quickly they could make me from regular Jen to Bride Jen and how long lasting both the hair and the make-up were.
One of the other firsts that I experienced this summer was attending Brownie Camp for the first time as a leader. I decided that I wanted to get involved again with Girl Guides of Canada a year earlier and went through all of the "hoops" to become a
leader. In September of 2010 I was officially registered as Snowy Owl with a local Brownie Unit. Spending time with these girls has been an incredibly rewarding experience. All of my wonderful Brownies have taught me so many things and they never fail to say something silly that makes me giggle.
During the year the group did 3 camps but I was unable to go to the first two, so our District camp was my first camping experience with the girls. It was tiring and by the time the girls got picked up on Sunday I was ready for a big glass of wine but looking back now it was a really fun weekend.
After I got back from camp I had another event that was super exciting. I graduated from UVic! I was right in the middle of training for my new job and getting financial planning license so I was lucky that my schedule allowed me to be there for convocation.
I was very excited that both my parents made the trip over to watch me walk across the stage and accept my degree. It was a very proud moment for me because getting my degree had been a life long dream of mine.
Right after graduation I went back to the mainland with my parents to write my licensing exam.
After I (successfully) finished my exams I was met with a pretty big day: My wedding! Kind of the major highlight of the year.
First up was my Bachelorette party which was super fun - have a ready through my blog to hear the full story on that night. My girls know how to party.
Finally it was the big day:
The week before (which was the original wedding date) had been beautiful sunny weather and I was hoping for the same. We had planned on doing family pictures in my parents back yard but...
Haha - all morning Ironic by Alanis Morrisette was stuck in my head.
All in all it was a magical day, and now that it has been a few months part of me wishes that I could go back and do it again because it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!
After I was minted Mrs. Paterson I had to say good-bye to one of my very close friends who was moving down south. We decided it was only fitting to throw her a proper good-bye "dancer-style" at the Pink Palace (a very cheesy local hotel). We had a great time playing games and having good drinks and yes... we made a fort. It was awesome.
There was even an ice cream cake. That I could eat.
I like cake
Later that summer after I had returned home my parents and sister came to visit us in Victoria (Yay!) and we spent the time playing with the kids, seeing the sights, shopping and eating at yummy restaurants. Oh and there were a couple trips to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to buy the magically delicious chocolate covered gummy warms. (YUM!) We also decided to take a trip to the Saanich Fair for a day of fun things, delicious food and LOTS of walking
The kids had a great time, well except for the youngest who had a temper tantrum near the end of the day...
My new hubby and I followed everyone around all day helping with the kids and taking pictures of the adventure.
I was very sad to see the kids go, but after they left my parents stuck around for a little while longer which meant more quality time with Momma and Dad.
I took Mom shopping, we went for many meals, we spent a whole lot of time Bolen Books (one of my most favourite places) and much time was spent at my parents trailer putting my feet up and relaxing.
I was very sad to see them go because it meant that I had to get back to work... be a grown up again :)
However the working and the being a grown up allowed us to do something this year that I was very excited about. Purchasing a really really fun car. This is our new Miata - I have named her Becky. Isn't she pretty? We brought her home around the middle of October but an unseasonably warm
fall allowed us to put the top down a couple of times, including my Birthday when Ian took me out to Sooke. We had to bundle really warm but it was totally worth it!
The last exciting thing that this year was our "Mini-moon". Ian and I decided to take a small vacation to celebrate our nuptials. We drove down through the Olympic Peninsula stayed a few nights in the States and then finished our vacay in Sooke at the famed Sooke Harbour House. It was a very magical trip and we had a wonderful time. Ian and
I, as usual, ate really good food and slept in really late and saw some
really great things. The first night we got to experience a pretty
wicked coastal storm and then we finished with the GORGEOUS weather that
you that you see below.
The very last part of 2011 was Christmas at home with our families. We did our usual run-around to make sure that we saw everyone which meant:
Ian had started to feel sick just as we were arriving home. At least that's when he mentioned it to me, he could have easily been feeling awful before then and just not said anything. Luckily it was the type of flu that hits fast and leaves fast so by New Years we were back to feeling pretty good. We decided to stay home anyway, not wanting to infect our friends. We had a nice time at home playing cards and the Wii and after the clock struck 12 we were heading for bed.
So looking back at one hell of a year I am very thankful for all the memories. I have made some great new friends and even though 2012 may not have as many milestones as 2011 did I know that it will be just as fun.
Normally at New Years I am excited about the coming months and not normally sad about leaving the past year behind but this year was a bit different. On New Years Eve I couldn't help but feel a bit sad about the end of 2011. 2011 was the year that I got married, I graduated, I started a new career... to name a few. I thought it would be good to break down my year and shall with all of you the highlights of what made 2011 so special to me.
The year started out slow with Ian and I spending New Years at home together with a kiss at midnight and then bed soon after. Neither of us being huge into the party scene this was the way we would normally ring in a new year. One thing we did do was cook fantastic food, Ian made spring rolls and potato skins while I made chicken wings and guacamole. We stuffed ourselves silly. Twas DELICIOUS!
The first couple of months were spent planning planning planning with a little work and school thrown in there.
Dress Fitting |
My rings |
- I got my dress fitted
- I picked up our rings
- I made invitations
- I ordered flowers
- I booked the decorater
- I found someone to make a cake
- There was many many other things too... but you can read the blog :)
In February Ian had his birthday and we also celebrated our 7th anniversary.
For said anniversary Ian surprised me with tickets to see Sarah Mclachlan which was a really wonderful evening. She was playing at the Save On Foods Memorial Center in Victoria and there were a couple differences from seeing a concert in Vancouver:
- The arena was much smaller and so the "really crappy" seats... not so crappy!
- We were able to park within a 2 min walk of the arena for less than $10.00... unheard of in Vancouver :)
- We were home less than 20 minutes after the concert ended, gotta love being so close to everything here.
Ian on his Birthday |
Finished Invite |
April brought the exiting end of my last semester of school (no more exams? I think that's a good day!) It also brought my Bridal shower! I was spoiled rotten with gifts coming out my ears and so much fun with my fantastic friends and family :)
Enjoy the hilarious picture of me in my bridal hat!
Cutting the cake at my shower |
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Me with some show-girls |
My and my new best friend |
We stayed at the Luxor hotel which was nice but I feel that I must say to anyone considering a trip to Vegas, stay in the center of the strip! We spent a lot of money on cabs because it turns out that everything in Vegas is larger than life and walking from one hotel is more of a hike than a walk. We saw Cirque de Soleil's O which was not just a show... it was an experience. The next time I go to Vegas I fully plan on seeing another Cirque show. They are AMAZING! We spent some time at the old strip and ate a LOT of really amazing food. Probably more than healthy but shhh don't tell. One of the biggest highlights for me was the M&M's store. That place was so much fun, I bought my 2nd favourite souvenir from that place, a mug with the green M&M on it. I drink my morning tea from it every day. It's so cute!
My favourite souvenir was Ian's idea. We were walking through one of the more expensive hotels and passed Jimmy Choo. I was salivating and Ian suggested I go in. As a smart shopper (and financial adviser) I have a strict rule when shopping:
If you can't afford it, DON'T TRY IT ON!
Look at my glow! |
Aren't they amazing? |
The shoes I decided on were mildly cliche but they looked the best so I decided to just deal with the cliche. They are seen to the right and man they are probably the most comfortable high heels I have ever owned. Pretty right?
Oh and if you are not understanding the cliche, they are the shoes that Carrie Bradshaw registered for in the Sex and the City episode, "A woman's right to shoes"
After returning from Vegas, Ian and I hit the ground running with wedding plans and one of the things that needed to be ticked off the list was our engagement shoot. I was really nervous about meeting our photographer because Ian had picked her and the control freak in me wasn't dealing very well. Most of my wedding nightmares up until this point had been the photographer doesn't show up. Turns out that Ian did a great job and Elaine turned out the be amazing.
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Engagement Pic - So Cute :) |
The next thing to be checked off the list was the make-up and hair trial. It was such a fun process, the girls came over and we went over a couple of looks and they went to work. I was shocked at how quickly they could make me from regular Jen to Bride Jen and how long lasting both the hair and the make-up were.
Finished Product |
Fun game of "tied up in knots" with the Brownies at camp |
During the year the group did 3 camps but I was unable to go to the first two, so our District camp was my first camping experience with the girls. It was tiring and by the time the girls got picked up on Sunday I was ready for a big glass of wine but looking back now it was a really fun weekend.
Jen: post ceremony |
After I got back from camp I had another event that was super exciting. I graduated from UVic! I was right in the middle of training for my new job and getting financial planning license so I was lucky that my schedule allowed me to be there for convocation.
I was very excited that both my parents made the trip over to watch me walk across the stage and accept my degree. It was a very proud moment for me because getting my degree had been a life long dream of mine.
Right after graduation I went back to the mainland with my parents to write my licensing exam.
After I (successfully) finished my exams I was met with a pretty big day: My wedding! Kind of the major highlight of the year.
First up was my Bachelorette party which was super fun - have a ready through my blog to hear the full story on that night. My girls know how to party.
Bachelorette Party |
Next up was the Rehearsal dinner, another super fun night, this time less alcohol and more cake but still just as fun!
Practicing getting married |
Finally it was the big day:
The week before (which was the original wedding date) had been beautiful sunny weather and I was hoping for the same. We had planned on doing family pictures in my parents back yard but...
Haha - all morning Ironic by Alanis Morrisette was stuck in my head.
All in all it was a magical day, and now that it has been a few months part of me wishes that I could go back and do it again because it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!
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We Did It! |
My girls being monkeys in a tree (a few drinks in) |
There was even an ice cream cake. That I could eat.
I like cake
Later that summer after I had returned home my parents and sister came to visit us in Victoria (Yay!) and we spent the time playing with the kids, seeing the sights, shopping and eating at yummy restaurants. Oh and there were a couple trips to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to buy the magically delicious chocolate covered gummy warms. (YUM!) We also decided to take a trip to the Saanich Fair for a day of fun things, delicious food and LOTS of walking
At the Saanich Fair (at the beginning of the day) |
My niece getting her face painted |
The kids had a great time, well except for the youngest who had a temper tantrum near the end of the day...
My new hubby and I followed everyone around all day helping with the kids and taking pictures of the adventure.
I was very sad to see the kids go, but after they left my parents stuck around for a little while longer which meant more quality time with Momma and Dad.
I took Mom shopping, we went for many meals, we spent a whole lot of time Bolen Books (one of my most favourite places) and much time was spent at my parents trailer putting my feet up and relaxing.
I was very sad to see them go because it meant that I had to get back to work... be a grown up again :)
However the working and the being a grown up allowed us to do something this year that I was very excited about. Purchasing a really really fun car. This is our new Miata - I have named her Becky. Isn't she pretty? We brought her home around the middle of October but an unseasonably warm
Becky |
Riding top down on my birthday |
Dinner at Sooke Harbour House |
The view from our room |
Me and my youngest niece! |
- Christmas Eve with Ian's parents in White Rock
- Early Christmas morning with Ian's parents
- Christmas brunch and dinner with my parents in Surrey
- An early ferry and drive to Port Alberni to spend Boxing Day with Ian's sister.
Ian being a big kid with his nephews |
Ian had started to feel sick just as we were arriving home. At least that's when he mentioned it to me, he could have easily been feeling awful before then and just not said anything. Luckily it was the type of flu that hits fast and leaves fast so by New Years we were back to feeling pretty good. We decided to stay home anyway, not wanting to infect our friends. We had a nice time at home playing cards and the Wii and after the clock struck 12 we were heading for bed.
So looking back at one hell of a year I am very thankful for all the memories. I have made some great new friends and even though 2012 may not have as many milestones as 2011 did I know that it will be just as fun.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Family Portraits
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Getting to the car |
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It took an army to keep me clean and dry :) |
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Hello Serbian! (Holy **** this dress is heavy) |
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Someone said I didn't stop smiling all day - which is probably why my face hurt by the time we got to the hotel |
In the planning of the portraits our photographer said that it is easier to start with the biggest number of people and then take people away. So... that's where we started. I also had a list of pictures we wanted to get so I gave the list to a very good friend who was my "person wrangler" for the day. The girl had pipes and really got people going!
I won't bore you with all the pictures because there was A LOT... but here are some of my favourites
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Whole Family |
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Bride's Family |
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Me and my parents |
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Me and my sweet babies! |
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The women in my life |
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Groom's family |
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Ian and his men |
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Auntie Jenny & Uncle Ian |
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My groom is always looking out for me. My tiara was crooked |
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This is our Thank You card picture, it was the most "wedding picture"-y |
By the time we finished up these pics people were starting to arrive which meant it was time for "hide the bride" We zipped up stairs and out of the way while the guests arrived and then it was time!
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