Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Over a month ago I was shopping with my mom and sis for... well I can't actually remember the reason we were shopping but we were.

Nearing the end of our trip I noticed a particularly fantastic shoe store and asked if they wouldn't mind taking a peek.

Rewind a few weeks... well more like months... well more like years... ok when did I start wearing shoes? The point is I have been thinking about what shoes I would get married in for as long as I have loved shoes. More recently (ie the past couple of years) I've known that they would be any colour other then white because white shoes are generally boring. Since Ian and I have decided on Red as a theme colour I thought Red would be suiting. My ideal colour would be blue (for my "something blue") but I didn't want to look like the American Flag walking down the isle.

Back to the shoe store on the shopping trip with mom and sis. They had a display of wedding shoes but they were all white and none of them were particularly spectacular, more kind of dull. So I started looking around the store and then I saw them. They were red (and a nice red at that), feminine, classy with just a little bit of flirty thrown in. I tried them on and wow, they were even comfortable. My mom reasoned that even if they didn't go with whatever dress I chose, (I hadn't chosen a dress at this point) they were a great pair of shoes. I knew there was a reason I loved shopping with mom! So I bought them.

Now the reason I have waited so long to post this is Ian said that he didn't want to know anything about my attire... however, in cleaning our apartment for a showing he came across them. It was actually quite funny. He pulled them out and yelled, "WHAT ARE THESE?" thinking I had bought them for fun and tried to hide them from him. Anyway, long story short, the cat's out of the bag with my shoes so I might as well post a pic of them.

For your viewing pleasure:

1 comment:

  1. Cuteness! And comfortable is very important! I looked EVERYWHERE for cute blue shoes so my shoes could be my something blue but there were none that I found suitable. When I did buy the pair of shoes I wore (which was the 3rd pair I purchased...) I took them to work and wore them all day at work so they were broken in and I was positive they were comfortable for me to wear for a very long time.
    Did I mention your shoes are total awesomeness?
