Thursday, April 28, 2011

Call me cheezy, I don't care!

About a month and a half ago I was procrastinating on studying for exams (which ended up being a really bad plan but shhh) and I "somehow" ended up at a website that I had seen in magazines many times and had visited when I was on the garter search. I decided to spend a "few" minutes looking around, oohing and ahhing at all of the silly things that were on there.

Some of the more silly things:

Anyway, I had a lot of fun looking around and wondering what kind of people actually bought this stuff. Then I came across a couple items that peaked my interest:

  • Custom Short Sleeved Hoodie - now the reason I wanted this was because I needed something I could wear the morning of the wedding that zipped so that it wouldn't ruin my hair. Also I like the short sleeves because, July 16 - it's not going to be hoodie weather!
  • "bride" Tank and Pants - I love things that match and I love that I get to wear something that says bride. Judge me if you must. Oh, and I loved that I could customize it in my wedding colours!

I set up my order and it was fairly pricey and when I asked Ian if he was okay with me ordering them (joint finances and all), he said, "will you wear them?" And I replied by asking him, "when have you ever known me not to wear sweat pants?" He thought about it and then said I could order them. He's so wonderful!

So I put the order in and immediately wrote the approximate delivery date in my agenda. I was pleasantly surprised when the arrived early and I put them on immediately! They are so comfy and will be perfect for the day of the wedding (well the zippy and the pants - the tank not so much).

Pictures for your viewing pleasure

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