So, months ago I sat down with my calendar, my future mother in law and future sister in law to figure out when the best time to do my shower was. There was no pretext of a surprise with me being on the island and having a mad crazy schedule. It didn't really allow for one, so we finally decided on April 30.
As you know, April 30th was this past weekend (well it was a few weeks ago when I started this post) and I was so excited that I went and bought a new dress and shoes. (PS, totally worth it)
I arrived a little later than I had anticipated but was so excited to see so many familiar faces! My only regret was that I wasn't able to talk to everyone there and properly catch up. I have a distinct feeling that this is a common regret among brides though - the shower would have needed to be 3 days long to really properly talk to everyone that was there.
After I arrived the "attendance" prize was given to my Aunt, who funnily enough was actually on a cruise but my lovely cousin was quite happy to accept the prize on her behalf.
Then my favourite bridal party game got under way: the make a wedding dress out of TP game. BEST GAME EVER!
I got to run around snapping pics while everyone got to work on their creations.
After this I was given the job of choosing my favourite. I loved all of the creations of course and was very impressed at the high quality craftsmanship, but I thought it would be nice for my niece for me to choose her dress. So I did, and she was so excited!! (It was super cute)
The next task was to start on the mountain of presents that was sitting in the corner ready and waiting to be opened! I had given each of my bridesmaids jobs because every bridal blog I read said to put your bridesmiads to work so that things don't get out of control with all of the paper and presents and info that needed to be taken down.
So here is how it broke down:
- Kristy - in charge of writing down who gave what
- Kathy - in charge of keeping track of all gift receipts, cards and gift cards (generally all small things that could easily get lost in the mountain of paper)
- Reiko - in charge of making my fantastic bridal hat (pics below)
- Sydney - in charge of documentation - ie, my camera
Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure:
So as you can see I started this whole process a "bride" hat which disappeared. This is because it was used as the base for my bow hat made by the lovely Reiko. She did an amazing job, don't you think?
After all the presents were opened (and there were a lot!) it was time for cake. A cake that I could actually eat too!
After there was cake I was able to mingle a little bit and then it was time get everything packed up and ready to go. And there was even one more surprise, Megan had ordered thank you cards that matched all of the other stationary for the shower.
Thanks so much to my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law to be, it was such a wonderful day and I have such a amazing time!!!!
2 Months (to the day!) to go
Thanks so much to my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law to be, it was such a wonderful day and I have such a amazing time!!!!
2 Months (to the day!) to go
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