Since then he had been asking me what I wanted. I knew that I wanted something that I could have for the rest of our marriage and that I could use now as well as later on. I had a few ideas but none of them made me terribly excited so I kind of put a pin in the problem and figured I'd sort it out later.
Fast forward to the fantastic pre-wedding trip that Ian and I took. While wondering through one of the more expensive hotels we passed a Jimmy Choo store. I looked in longingly and Ian told me to go look around while he did something with his camera. So I walked in and immediately my mouth filled with saliva, it was a challenge not to drool. I love shoes. After wondering for a couple minutes Ian found me and told me to try something on and I refused sticking to the #1 rule of shopping: DON'T TRY IT ON IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT!
I told him this and he wouldn't relent - oh just try something on - oh just do it. Finally I was starting to get a bit annoyed and he said - what about this as a wedding present? I looked at him stupidly and said, "wha?" He repeated himself and I looked at him even more stupidly and said, "are you serious?" He told me he was and I got this giddy feeling in my stomach.
Immediately I started picking shoes to try on and I can honestly say it was almost as much fun as trying on wedding dresses (ALMOST). Ian was SO patient, he followed me around to at least 8 different stores where he watched as I tried on shoe after shoe after shoe. He even gave honest opinions when I asked for them and genuinely seemed interested. Best guy ever, right?!
Some of the stores I got to play in: Barney's Las Vegas, Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin, Manolo Blahnik, Versace, Louis Vuitton
After 2 straight days of trying on the most fabulous shoes I have ever seen I had it narrowed down to two and decided that I needed to sleep on it before making my final decision. Both of them were at the Manolo Blahnik store in the Wynn so Ian and I headed straight there on the morning we were due to fly out. They didn't open until 10am so we had a quick bite to eat and then high tailed it to the store. There were two other women in the shop, one was a very spoiled and I'm guessing hung over girl who was in jammies and slippers and the other looked to be in her thirties, somewhat spoiled and far more polite. The hung over girl in her slippers was trying to return a pair of shoes and the other woman like me was debating a purchase. We ended up waiting there for at least 1/2 and hour while the ever so patient sales man dealt with the stupid spoiled girl. Finally another sales person arrived and was able to assist me and I made my final decision. Ian brought out the trusty MasterCard while I gazed at my new shoes. I floated the rest of the way home that day.
Anyway here are the shoes that I bought:

I wore them for the engagement shoot and made sure the photographer captured them - here are a couple shots that featured how amazing they are:

I also wore them for my convocation at UVic - my mom said I had the best shoes there that day. I agreed with her.

18 days!!!
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