Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bachelorette Fun


So after Heather and I madly got ready after the very slow lunch and zipped into Vancouver (well got to Vancouver fast, parking was another story but I won't dwell) it was time for the sillyness to start.

I didn't know anything really about the party except the types of clothes I needed to wear and bring as well as the fact that I needed an overnight bag. So I was quite curious to see what adventures were in front of me.

It started out with a table of my favourite snacks and a drink being handed to me with a rather interesting straw. Next was a game of... some silly dance game for the Wii... I have no idea what it was called. Here are some amuzing pictures of this adventure:

We were waiting for some of the other guests to arrive so in the meantime the first game got going... This is now my favourite game for girlie gatherings, it involves hot dogs, string, tacks and a cup. Trying to describe this game with words would be a big fat waste of time so I will let the photos (and maybe the video if I can get it to work) do the speaking for me.

After our fun with the hot dogs we got started with another game that was sort a pin the tail on the donkey... if you catch my drift. Unfortunately the pics from that game are a bit obscene and not really appropriate for the blog. Sorry...

At that point we got dressed for "out" time and I was presented with a list of things that I needed to do. It was a bunch of silly fun things like find a dead bug and get a guy to buy you a drink. I made it my mission to do these things and I did pretty darn good with my list. There are photos but I'm not sure where they are. Anyone with copies, I'd love some! Drop me an email!!

Next up: Rehearsal Dinner

Happily Married for 39 Days!!


Yesterday was our one month anniversary. We celebrated by going to separate networking events, boy do we know how to party.

Happily Married for 1 month and 1 day

Exciting News

Well, it looks like I've been a really bad blogger. Today I got something in the mail that both made my day and lit a fire under my.... well hopefully you will get the point.

My Wedding Pictures!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!! I will hopefully get some posted up here soon. Right now I'm too busy staring at them and trying to figure out which to print, frame and where to put them!

Happily Married for 1 month and 1 day

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 2 of Wedding Week

Now that Heather had arrived it was time for the bachelorette party, something I had been looking forward to for a long time. I didn't know anything about the plan except that we would be going downtown Vancouver.

Heather had stayed with me at my parents house the night before because we had gotten in so late and we had planned on spending the whole day together so it just made sense.

The day started early because my sister and her kids were also staying with us (it was a very full house) and they like to get up at the crack of dawn. I introduced Heather to the little ones and of course they took to her right away because there are a lot of things you could call my neices and nephew but shy is not one of them. After introductions were made my dad cooked a breakfast that could feed three armies which was loud and fun, just the way a family breakfast should be in my opinion. After we scarffed down the food Heather and zipped off so I could get my legs waxed - a bride can't be fuzzy!

After we were done I called Ian, (who was now on the mainland) to come meet us for lunch. We had a coupon for ULounge so we decided there was as good a place as any for lunch, plus they had a wicked patio and it was so sunny that a patio was a must. We had so much at lunch chatting and catching up, it was kind of like old times except for the fact that I was days away from marrying Ian rather than seeing him as our sweet little friend.

Lunch was slow. Really really slow. Heather and I needed to go and get ready for the Bachelorette party and it was getting close to crunch time, so we left Ian with the check and dashed off.

I know I promised that the next post would be about the Bachelorette Party itself - but I'm on the ferry and don't have access to the pictures so you will have to wait just a little longer :)

Happily Married for 3 weeks and 3 days!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wedding week recap

I have finally gotten to uploading some pictures which means that I can start recapping my wedding week! Aren't you proud? - sorry this first post has no pictures but there will be some soon.

So for me the whole "wedding" started on July 8th when my wonderful friend heather flew in from Toronto, her being here meant that the time had finally come and that the wedding was really going to happen.

Her flight was due to land at around midnight and when I got to the airport I hunkered down with a coffee, chocolate bar and my book. Reading didn't really happen because I kept checking the board for her flight info to see if she had landed.

A flight from Calgary landed and I watched as loved ones were re-united, there was a particularly touching scene happening just to my left as a young couple, who had obviously been apart from each other for longer than they cared to be, embraced.

After everyone filed out I continued to watch the flight board like a hawk and it posted that Heather's flight was delayed. So finally when it said that her flight landed I sat right near the door that the Calgary flight came through and waited. And waited and waited and NOTHING. I looked around and I saw a stream of people coming out from some random stairwell. So I went and stood there and waited and still no Heather. I walked around awkwardly for a little while wondering if this was the right flight and pondering getting up on something like a chair to get a better look in case I had missed her (she's quite little you see) but no Heather appeared and I was defiantly in the right place.

FINALLY a slightly harassed looking Heather came down the stairs and I found out that the airport had closed the main way to baggage claim and it was somewhat confusing to figure out where to go. Stupid airport...

Anyway, we finally located her (very large) bag and manhandled it into the car and were on our way home.

My wedding week had officially begun...


Happily Married for 3 weeks and 1 day :)