I have finally gotten to uploading some pictures which means that I can start recapping my wedding week! Aren't you proud? - sorry this first post has no pictures but there will be some soon.
So for me the whole "wedding" started on July 8th when my wonderful friend heather flew in from Toronto, her being here meant that the time had finally come and that the wedding was really going to happen.
Her flight was due to land at around midnight and when I got to the airport I hunkered down with a coffee, chocolate bar and my book. Reading didn't really happen because I kept checking the board for her flight info to see if she had landed.
A flight from Calgary landed and I watched as loved ones were re-united, there was a particularly touching scene happening just to my left as a young couple, who had obviously been apart from each other for longer than they cared to be, embraced.
After everyone filed out I continued to watch the flight board like a hawk and it posted that Heather's flight was delayed. So finally when it said that her flight landed I sat right near the door that the Calgary flight came through and waited. And waited and waited and NOTHING. I looked around and I saw a stream of people coming out from some random stairwell. So I went and stood there and waited and still no Heather. I walked around awkwardly for a little while wondering if this was the right flight and pondering getting up on something like a chair to get a better look in case I had missed her (she's quite little you see) but no Heather appeared and I was defiantly in the right place.
FINALLY a slightly harassed looking Heather came down the stairs and I found out that the airport had closed the main way to baggage claim and it was somewhat confusing to figure out where to go. Stupid airport...
Anyway, we finally located her (very large) bag and manhandled it into the car and were on our way home.
My wedding week had officially begun...
Happily Married for 3 weeks and 1 day :)
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