Monday, March 8, 2010

Meet the ring!

Let me preface this by saying that I received many displeased border line threatening emails about posting pictures of the rings. So for those of you, you know who you are... here is the ring and a little story about it.

NOTE: the pics do not do it justice.

Last March I visited my very good friend Heather in Montreal and during a shopping trip we decided to look at pretty jewelry. During that trip into such a store I found what I considered to be THE RING for me. I told her takes notes, just in case.

Fast-Forward to a little less than a year ago I was insanely bored... we are talking tear out eyes with dull spoons bored. So I pulled out my trusty laptop and starting googling around and found myself looking at engagement rings. At this particular point I wasn't thinking engagement at all I just liked looking at the pretty jewelry. Well Ian caught me and so after being shocked that there wasn't an Ian shaped hole in the door we had a look at what was out there.

I have always been a fan of the very traditional looking three stone princess cut type rings. Ian thought these were "boring and dull." So much for that. He seemed to be fond of the solitaires so I resigned myself to having a solitaire if we ever got engaged.

Fast-forward again this past November when Ian tells me he decided to propose. He emails (or calls i'm not sure) Heather and asks her about THE RING. In Heather's words, "How was I supposed to know that I was actually supposed to remember that?" So between the two of them they brainstormed and with the aid of a wonderful ring designer in Oak Bay they came up with my design. Which is not at all what I would have chosen for myself but I love it even more than if I had chosen it myself. Ian did good.

When I get around to posting his proposal planning journal you can read his side of the story.

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