When Ian and I started dating I had this habit that he hated. I liked to snoop. A LOT. So one day I was snooping through his closet and came across a black hoody I had never seen him wear. It's a big zippy from Old Navy that was so soft and so wonderful. So I started wearing it. Ian at this point decided that he wanted to wear and it and started getting "mad" (ie not really mad but not pleased) when I wore it.
From that point forward it was a bit of a battle of who could get to the hoody first. When we moved in together I started stealing it wear around the house when I got cold, which in our old place was pretty much every day. It has now morphed into a well worn, soft, faded, security blanket type hoody. You all know what I mean. So since I've started school I enjoy studying in it. In fact I don't study well without it.
When Ian was on the mainland for the Olympics he took my study hoody with him. When I went to look for it I was unimpressed to find it missing. However it IS his hoody so I couldn't be too mad. Then when he returned home without it I was very displeased.
Long story short, the hoody is now back home just in the nick of time. I need to start studying for finals soon. Ian had to go to the mainland this weekend for a job but he was nice enough to leave the study hoody with me.
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