Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Wedding Gone Wrong Dream

So last night was another first. My first dream that the wedding was a disaster. Well I wouldn't go as far as to say disaster but... it wasn't great. I can't remember all the details but what I can recall is that I was missing 1/2 my accessories (i.e. no veil or tiara, no something old, new, borrowed or blue...) and absolutely none of the DIY stuff was ready. I am going to take a stab in the dark and say this is a not what is to come but lets just say when I woke up I was glad that I still about a year to get my wedding organized.


  1. Jennifer... as if you can wait a whole year to pick out a tiara & veil! lol! Just relax darling, everything will be just fine!

  2. I'm not worried, but I know there will be more nightmares... So I thought it would be fun to document the first one.
