Saturday, June 5, 2010


I apologize for the lack of postings in the past few weeks but there hasn't been much to post on.

Update on "Operation Not Fat Bride"
I am actually doing not bad with this. I have lost over 1 1/2 inches off my hips which makes me happy. However it has been put on hold for a couple reasons. Last weekend I was playing in ball Nanaimo and it was going great. We were winning, I was pitching well, hitting badly but that's not really here nor there. In the last game on Saturday we were playing a team called Ralphie's Raiders. It was the 7th and I was digging out a tie for the team. I was in determined mode, I even scared my fearless third baseman. Then with 2 out a line drive comes straight off the bat, misses my shin guards and pounds me straight in the knee. At first I thought it had hit the guard and tried the make the play. Then I went down, hard. The damn runner got to first too, that pissed me off more than anything. Suddenly I was surrounded by my team who was telling me to breathe. Somehow (I think it was mostly adrenaline, that stuff is wonderful) I got up and finished the game. We got the third out the next play and secured the tie, but my knee was pretty banged up. So, while I was able to pitch I didn't think that running on a treadmill would be such a good idea.

So, the only thing I did this week was play a couple of lack-luster games.

Then yesterday, I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Ian was wonderful - he took me in, held my hand while they put the IV in (after some begging and boasting about his emr training to the hesitant nurses), bought me ice cream and other gooey foods for me to eat and made sure I had the right drugs at all the right times. Since then he has literally been at my beck and call. However, when one needs a man to wait on them hand and foot they probably aren't going to the gym. So hopefully next week by body will have healed and I can resume operation not fat bride.

Update: Venue

This coming week Ian and I are going to have a look at the Scottish Cultural Center to see if it may work as a venue for the wedding. Mom and I went a couple weeks ago and were very impressed by the service we received and the flexibility of the space. So hopefully Ian will be able to take the space and turn it into the vision he has in his head. Otherwise the search may continue.

Update: Dress

I have it down to 4 that I am in love with. This next weekend I play on returning to the stores and re-trying the dresses to see if they give me that same "sparkly" feeling when I put them on. Hopefully by the end of June I will have my dress booked. EEEEEEE!!!!!! (Sorry, the silly girl inside escaped for a moment).


  1. Once you pick a dress and order it, you have to stop watching "say yes to the dress". Practically every time I watch it I see a dress and say "oooh I want that one!" and then go "oh no.. I had one...poo"
    I'm pretty sure I would probably still pick a dress just like the one I have... but I still had to banish myself from watching it otherwise I'd start trying to convince Geoff we needed a renewing our vows party, complete with myself in a fabulous (and pricey) Kleinfelds dress.

    I hope you are feeling better soon! I love that you were pissed about the girl getting the base even though you like blacked out or whatever and fell down. You are my favorite softball lady!

  2. I don't think the banning myself from watching it should be too much of a problem. I don't get that channel. haha

    I hope I feel better soon too - I'm getting very tired of sitting around doing nothing. It's BORING! But I don't have the energy for anything else yet.
