Monday, April 19, 2010

A non-wedding related note

I'm now finished what I have deemed the most exhausting weekend ever. It all started on Friday with 2 exams back to back... WEE, that was fun. Then Saturday with another exam followed by a highschool-style trip to the ball field (with an in-car change and all) for my first game with Storm. I think in the end we lost but it still felt so right being back on the field again.

That night was a team bbq where I was dubbed "Seven". Lets just say it has to do with my number (7) and a reference to a certain friends episode... I'm sure you know what I mean.

A slightly later night then expected I dragged my sorry butt home at 1am only to drag my sorry butt out of bed 7 hours later for the 10am game Sunday morning. 2 games (and 2 solid wins) later I was feeling it. I've forgotten how much a game takes out of you, pitching or not.

Next task was to not fail my final this morning... I'll let you know when the marks come in (or maybe not as the case may be).

Last, was to make it through tonight's game which was against a fairly tough team. 7 very close innings (and one stunningly beautiful change-up) resulted in a victory for Storm. Hazaa! Now that's the way to start a season.

Next stop.... WEDDING PLANS!!!! (serious wedding plans)

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