Thursday, June 17, 2010


Ian and I were and still are adamant that we are not going to have tacky cookie cutter invitations. We also thought with my experience creating stationary for other people that I might be able to do the invitations myself.

A few months ago I ordered a few free invitation catalogues and started looking through them for ideas. Very quickly Ian and I realized that our taste in invitations was not cheap, surprise surprise! Ian and I's taste is never cheap.

One of the catalogues offered free samples so I ordered one and a few weeks later it arrived. A trip to Michaels later, armed with craft supplies I attempted to re-create it. Attempted and failed. My "re-creation" was so ugly I still don't want to think about it. I quickly gave up on the idea of DIY.

Fast-forward a month-ish and Ian returns home with an invite that my fantastic sister in-law to be found.

Pretty hey?

Since this was pretty perfect I asked where she found it. It was one that sent to her Aunt, and was printed by a printer in Vancouver and cost... yup you guessed it, "a pretty penny", hmmmm.

Fast-forward another month to today, during a trip to Michaels I decided to try again on the DIY. I bought a few supplies and went to work attempting to construct a copy. This time it is my opinion that I succeeded but I"ll let you be the judge.

Jen's Version

Not to "toot my own horn" but I think I did a pretty good job.


  1. Not bad, sista! Looks great :)

  2. Looks good! Next time you are in town you should go to a store in cloverdale called "the essential packaging store" they have EVERYTHING to make invitations in there... and since you are a stationary person I have a feeling you might go nuts in there... or the scrapbooking store nextdoor...
    Anyhoo thats where I got the bits & peices to do my invitations & programs etc and I did all the printing & cutting on my own BUT you can also have them print them for you and then assemble on your own which is still cheaper than having them just make them for you.

  3. oooh fun!!!! I'm such a stationary dork.
