Sunday, March 13, 2011

10 Things

One week ago marked the one year date of the day that Ian proposed to me. It was a pretty slow day on our part but it got me thinking about my year as the "Bride to-be". It has been a really wonderful year filled with plans and a whole lot of excitement. I have also learned a lot during the past twelve months. I think now would be a good time to share some of those things with you.

1. There a lot of wedding blogs out there. Some good. Some not so good.

2. Registering for gifts is one of the most fun and useful things a person can do. It is now my belief that everyone should do it for all gift giving occasions.

3. It's amazing what a person can spend on bridal magazines. I think I have a problem...

4. Trying to lose weight sucks

5. If you jump up and down and have a tantrum 3 year old style, it's amazing what you can get your fiancé to agree to. (I love you honey!)

6. Nothing is more entertaining than"Rich Bride Poor Bride". What do you mean you don't agree with me?

7. Everyone has a little "Bridezilla" in them, even people who aren't getting married. I'm lookin' at the bridesmaids who didn't want to wear the lime green mu-mu's.

8. It is always dangerous to keep looking after decisions have been made. Always.

9. Watching "Sex and the City" while blogging is not productive.

10. Your true friends really would wear a lime green mu-mu if you asked them to. (Seriously, they offered.)

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