Sunday, October 24, 2010

Holy Eventful!

This past weekend was my actual birthday and I had the privilege of spending it watching my very good friend get married, and it was such a wonderful wedding (not to mention a great way to see how things worked in practice!) A few pics *taken with my new camera* for your viewing pleasure.


Nice Picture

Less nice picture...

"Blast from the Past" with the bride

Luckily for me the ceremony didn't begin until 3:30 in the afternoon so I was able to use the morning for a bit of running around. The next task on my seemingly endless to do list was the find a florist. Last week I did some googling around and booked appointments for a couple consultations.

I'm not the kind of person who has a lot of knowledge about flowers so I was relying on the florists to come up with ideas. My only stipulations were roses and "pretty". I figured that would be doable.

The first consultation was the the florist that did Kathy's wedding. We were very happy with the flowers they did and I decided to find out what they could do for me. I was very happy with my consultation there, the woman I spoke to was very nice and gave me a quote that was well within my budget.

After leaving Flowers and Co. mom and I had some time before our next one so we decided to make the most of it and venture into Michaels to see if we could get inspired on pew bows. For those who don't know Michaels has this nasty habit of sucking up time like a vacuum. Before we knew it, it had been an hour and I still wanted to make another stop. So we left the store with an idea, some ribbon and high hopes. Next we ventured into a fantastic store that my sister recommended, Forever Yours to find something for me to wear under my wedding dress. The sales lady was SUPER helpful and within 20 minutes she had me fitted and into a corset that fit beautifully, it feels like it was made for me! This was WAY easier than I had anticipated so if you are ever looking for very specific undergarments - this is the place to go!! The day got even better when my mom offered to pay for 1/2 of it. I love my mom!

Our next stop was a florist in south surrey (morgan creek for those in the know) who worked out of her home. I was very impressed with her online portfolio and had high hopes for the consultation. Mom and I walked in and I was really excited by her organizational skills! Yes I'm actually serious. She gave some great ideas and then came the quote. I was panicking a little because we hadn't talked budget (rookie mistake!).

She added it up and including the floral arrangements that my Mom has decided she wants (and has offered to pay for) it was about 1/2 my budget. WOH! After a quick conversation with my mom I decided to go with Didi's Flowers ( - lets just hope my email to her confirming the booking goes through before she gets booked!

After this I got home quickly changed and zoomed off to Swaneset in Pitt Meadows for Kaitlyn's wedding. WOW what a day!


  1. In all that Holy Eventfullness you didnt even mention you got to see how a bride can look completely composed and have a great time despite losing power at the venue!
    Was great to see you guys also! Next time we play with Liam too!

  2. You're right - I was totally impressed with how cool Ms. Kaitlyn was with the whole power-outage thing.
