Sunday, October 31, 2010

Something Old, Something New....

I like to think that I am not as traditional a bride as some but there is still a part of me that wants to follow in the foot steps of the brides that came before me.

One of the things that I am most excited about is my, Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue.

I've got most of them taken care of:

Something Old: My grandmothers ring that I've been wearing since I was 17, I inherited it from her when she passed away and it's part of who I am. My mom and I are also on the hunt for something that I can wear or tie into my bouquet from her mom too.

Something New: This was the easiest - my dress!!!! (Which I am SOOO freakin excited about, I look at the picture like 500 times a day)

Something Borrowed: This is something else I am really excited about, I will be wearing my sisters veil from her first wedding (which is SPECTACULAR) and if my new sis-in-law to be is still willing I am hoping to borrow the tiara from her wedding.

Something Blue: This is the one that I was contemplating.

I didn't want to do something that would be seen as my something blue because with red and white as my colours I didn't want to look like the American Flag. My solution was to have my something blue be the garter but Ian is determined not to do the garter toss. However, after some consideration I decided to not let this stop me from wearing one because - well they're fun. The only ones have found around here are either white or light baby blue and I wanted something that was spectacular. One afternoon I was flipping through one of the magazines that I got from my subscription (Thank You awesome Bridesmaids) and I saw a picture of a beautiful black and teal garter and got really excited. It directed me to:

I've narrowed it down to 2 and would love your opinions:


Help me out people!!


  1. That's 1 vote for option 2, any other opinions?

  2. I like the bottom one too.
    I didnt want stupid pale blue either so mine was white, and may have had some navy ribbon on it.
    I also tied a navy ribbon into my corset instead of the white it came with to be my blue.

  3. i love the blue corset thing - except mine is a hook and eye do up

  4. I'm going against the majority with the top one.. I really like the little gem thing in that one
