Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Bride Gene

One of my favourite shows to watch over and over again is Sex and the City (who doesn't love Carrie Bradshaw I mean really?!?). And recently I watched the episode where she discovers that she does not have the bride gene, or so she thinks.

This morning it hit me that this really isn't a problem for me as I start to hum "Going to the Chapel" by the Dixie Cups for the zillionth time since I got engaged 4 days ago.

I find myself pondering details of the wedding that won't need to be decided until much later on all time. I get excited about the prospects of center piece and invitation designs and I rubber neck when passing Bridal boutiques to get a better look at that fantastic dress in the window. "Would that look good on me?" Finally and most importantly I am forever gazing at the sparkling rock on my finger thinking "sparkle sparkle sparkle"

My name is Jen and I am a Bride-to-be. (EEEEE!)

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