Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A little about THE DRESS

So I have been trying to squash the urge to look at bridal gowns... very very unsuccessfully. I've given into the urge many times and have spent hours (literally) perusing website after website and magazine after magazine in search of the perfect gown to marry Ian in.

Tonight I purchased a magazine called the knot. It's draw - it's HUGE! So I brought it home and while consuming my afternoon snack (one of my meals to attempt 6 small meals a day) I enjoyed looking through the seemingly endless pages of dresses.

Most bridal magazines enjoy the "hide the price" game. So you have no idea if your looking at a $500.00 dress (ha! fat change) or a $15,000.00 dress (more likely). It can be a bit frustrating not knowing if the dress you are falling in love with is completely out of your price range, or a possibility. However, the knot (or at least this issue) is different. They have a $ scale at the bottom of each bridal designer listing telling you if your looking at the cheaper end ($-$$) or the - holy shit this cost more than my university education, car and a years rent put together - end ($$$$-$$$$$).

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the dresses that I was falling in love with (the more classic gowns) are at the lower end (mostly $-$$). I deduced that this was because the more expensive dresses tend to have a more couture look to them. While that is all fine and dandy it is my personal opinion that they are just too weird for my wedding day. I want to be able to look at these photos with my children and not hear, "Mom what were you thinking?"

Sadly I will not be posting too much about the wedding dress as I plan on following the "don't let the groom see the dress before the big day," rule. And if my finance is a good fiance (which he is) he will be reading this blog religiously. Right honey?!?

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