Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Decision 1 - CHECK!

A couple of weeks ago Ian told me that his sister (my NEW sister in law) has generously offered to help us with the invites for the wedding. So we started tossing around ideas of what we wanted. Cue Google. I started looking at every type of invitation I could get my hands on, well metaphorically speaking.

I came across nice invitations, ugly invitations, themed invitations, tacky invitations... you name it, it's out there. Ian and I mutually decided that we wanted there to be a theme that went into all of our stationary, so we wanted what went on our invitations to be something that we really loved because it was going to be on everything.

We started brainstorming ideas with various members of our family and Ian's mom came up with the idea of doing a monogram. Something classy that was really US. Ian and I really jumped on that idea. We started tossing around ideas and about a week ago we decided on something. We are both really happy with it and I would love to post it, BUT my fiance wants it to be kept a secret until the invites go out.

Sorry :(

Now if only we could find that magic venue that has all of the things we need for next to nothing!


  1. What all do you need for your venue to have? I know there's a wedding magazine (like BC weddings or something like that) and it lists venues & has approximate costs & capacity type information. Do you have it?

  2. yeah we need some pretty specific stuff. Ian's got so many performer friends that we are going to have a "performance" themed reception - theatre lighting and all. So the requirements are more to do with ceiling height and rigging points more than anything else. But I'm pretty sure that I have that magazine, there are very few that I don't have at this point haha.
