Tuesday, March 9, 2010

School + Wedding Plans = ... uh oh!!

During our first discussion about the wedding I told Ian that I was going to need help keeping my mind on track with studying. Lets face it wedding plans are so much more fun than insurance premiums or the economic effects of the railroads.

Case in point. I have a midterm tomorrow. What am I doing? Blogging! What am I planning on doing after this. Researching ceremony venues.

Speaking of the latest distraction:

Ian and I had a dilemma regarding the lovely girl that introduced us, Heather as mentioned in the previous post. We both wanted her as an attendant. We talked about it and suddenly I was hit with a wonderful idea. The daughter of some family friends got married recently and she had her brother perform the ceremony. CHA-CHING! Heather the talented actress who knows Ian and I inside out should perform our ceremony! Ian loved it. I loved it. Heather said that she would do it.

So, now I would like to find a place for the ceremony that is not a church, not outside and not a barn. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I looked into the Orpheum (how cool would that be?) but $8000.00 was a bit out of the question.

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